
AMARA Unscented Glycerine


AMARA Unscented Glycerine

Contains pure Glycerine that keep your skin moisturized by restoring its suppleness for soft and smooth skin, free from drying out. Its subtle perfume leaves your skin fragranced, providing you with all day freshness

A little more for you

Other AMARA products available in stock. Product availability varies from store to store.

AMARA Scented Glycerine

AMARA Cocoa Butter Jelly

AMARA Rejuvenated Aloe Jelly

Where can I find MIADI products?

You can find AMARA products at the following locations and all major retailers countrywide

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To become a AMARA products retailer in Kenya, please reach out to any of our distributors or fill on the form found on the contact us page. You will be contacted within two working days.